Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Solution for Pacific Coast Problems

The natural environment is very important to us in that we are always in touch with it. We breathe the air from the environment we live in. There are two reasons that the environment is polluted. First, it is polluted natural reasons, it’s affected usually by volcanoes and hurricanes. Volcanoes release lots of toxic gases into the air. Also, hurricanes could cause the fires which pollute the air. Second, it’s polluted by unnatural causes which are made by people. For example, people release the carbon dioxide in the air by using more transportation. Also, releasing any kind of toxic gases would pollute the environment. For example, burring the people's garbage would release toxic gases in the air. Unfortunately, in these days most people use toxic gases in their daily lives. However, there are some countries that have better control on pollution. They encourage their people to use clean energy that does not have a negative effect on the air. On the other hand, some countries do not care about air pollution. For example, the Pacific Coast has lots of pollution that is caused by the biggest industrialized countries around it, for example, China and India.

The Pacific Ocean air pollution comes from many factors. The first factor is the pollution of Chinese and Indian factories, which make products such as chemical material. The second factor is the oil transportation through the Pacific Coast from one country to another. According to a study funded the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California Energy Commission, (Asia smog fulling Pacific storms, 2007, Para. 5), "Though the transported black carbon, most of which is soot, is an extremely small component of air pollution at land surface levels, the phenomenon has a significant heating effect on the atmosphere at altitudes above two kilometers (6,562 feet)". The third factor is the increasing of fossil fuels for transportation among people especially in China and India. As we know, India and China's populations are greater than the rest of the world's populations, so they would have more effect on the Pacific Coast environment. According to Dr. Ijaz Ahsan (2007, Para. 6)," during the last few decades, the rapacious use of fossil fuels has released tremendous and unprecedented amounts of waste gases into the air." In addition, people who throw the waste in the Pacific Coast also affect on the environment. For example, the wastage would kill Ocean's animals, also, that would affect people's health. There are three solutions for the Pacific Coast's pollution; first, we should make new rules to control plant pollution around the Pacific Coast. Second, we should decrease dependence on fossil fuel energy by using clean energy. Third, governments should support alternative energy.

First, the Asian and American governments should control this problem before it gets bigger. The air pollution affects the people and causes a lot of disease like heart disease and lung cancer. According to Richard (2006, Para.2),"on the West coast, dead and stranded sea lions found on beaches are being diagnosed with cancer similar to cancers in humans". Also, it is affecting the Pacific Ocean which kills the animals in the Ocean. According to Richard (2006, Para.2), "pollution kills 17 percent of sea’s living things. Pollution can infect humans by causing illnesses". Pollution will increase in California’s Ports in the next few years. According to George (2006), "pollution will increase and it will be responsible for killing many fish and animals". The governments can control this problem when they make the laws especially the countries which overlooking the Pacific coast. They should discuss these problems such as Canada, America and Asian cities. They should meet together every year or every month and make new ways to solve the Pacific Coast problems. For example, the government can close the factory or charge them more money for that when they send the chemical materials without taking care of it, for example, when they transport the chemical materials, such as gasoline or diesel in the old or broken containers which are spill these materials in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, the rules for the people will help them to save their lives. For example, the people must check their cars and examine themselves at least every six months. The government should make fine for the people who do not follow these instructions. Also, the government can make advertisements about this problem and tell the people how the air pollution affect them and their ocean. For example, they can put there on television, radio or the newspaper to remind them every time when they forget. The people should know the rules, and they must follow these instructions to save their life.

The second solution is that we should decrease dependence on fossil fuel energy by using clean energy. The fossil fuel affects the atmosphere, which also will negatively affect the Pacific Ocean. According to the article "Fossil Fuel and its Impact on the environment," (n.d. para. 7), "air pollution is another problem arising from the use of fossil fuels, and can result in the formation of smog. Other than causing human illness, smog can also affect the sustainability of crops. Smog seeps through the protective layer of the leaves and destroys essential cell membranes. This results in smaller yields and weaker crops, as the plants are forced to focus on internal repair and do not thrive." we should use nuclear energy to produce the electricity power. The nuclear energy produces more power with less cost. According to Patrick Moore, (2006, para. 9), "It is in fact one of the least expensive energy sources. In 2004, the average cost of producing nuclear energy in the United States was less than two cents per kilowatt-hour, comparable with coal and hydroelectric." The using of winds energy to produce the electricity is clearer than fossil fuels. Also, wind energy is inexpensive energy and abundant. Governments should increase the benefit of winds by grating the electricity by winds to keep the Pacific Coast clearer.

Third, instead of using the fossil fuel energy, supporting the alternative energy would be better. According to Neil Macled (2007, para.5), "It is a clean alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power and it will never run out. It's silent. Solar power can be captured anywhere without creating noise pollution that might otherwise up set neighbors and wildlife." The governments could support the alternative energy by encouraging their people to use it. For example, they could make advertisements about how alternative energy would be better for our lives. Furthermore, teaching students how to use the alternative energy and how it ‘s good for our environment.

My opponents said that the government cannot control this problem. The governments can control this problem when they make the rules which I explained. The federal government should solve this problem, and people should help to prevent this problem which may cost people their lives. The federal government should avoid the reasons for pollution. If the federal government does not do any thing with that, it will be a bigger problem in the future, and we will be unable to stop it. Many people, animals, and fish will die, and we will lose many things in our lives. In addition, the federal government should force ships to use special kinds of engines. The government is responsible for this problem and it should solve the Pacific Coast pollution problem. We and the Pacific Ocean suffer from a pollution problem and we should think about this problem. All countries should meet with each other and find solutions for pollution. I think that the coming years will be difficult for people because pollution will increase every day. If the governments do not care about the Pacific Ocean problems nobody will care for these problems.

In conclusion, to make the Pacific coast environment clean, first, make new instructions to save the Pacific Coast and to control pollutions. Second, decrease use of fossil fuel as much as we can. Third, advise people to use clean energy, such as alternative energy. We need to support each other to keep our Pacific Coast clean. So I hope we can find the best way to improve this problem as soon as possible, and we can get the beautiful Ocean back again.


Prichard, J. (2005, December 13). Study: Air pollution health risk high in many Mich. Neighborhoods. Retrieved from Lexis Nexis database. June 18, 2007.

Ferrara, J. (2007). Solar Power - Advantages And Disadvantages. Retrieved from go articles, June 20, 2007

Moore, P. (2006, April 16). Going nuclear. Retrieved from Washingtion.com. June 21.2007 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp -dyn/content/article/2006/04/14/AR2006041401209.html

Asia smog fuelling Pacific storms. (2007, March 6). Retrived from Nationwid International News. Retrieved from environment news. June 20.2007

Air pollution in Asian cities health worries. (2006). Voice of America News. Retrived June 1, 2007, from Lexis Nexis database.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pacific Storms

In this article, "Science: Asia smog fuelling Pacific storms 'will melt Arctic ice': Scientists highlight threat from big rise in emissions: 'Severe pollution' blamed on rapid industrialization" the author discusses how the smog and air pollution from Asian cities affect the Pacific Ocean. In addition, that will cause warming of the Arctic. The average of storm clouds has increased the last 20 years, especially in industrial cities in places such as India and China. The Pacific's storm system plays in the Earth’s atmosphere and transporting heat. Rapid industrialization has caused air pollution over many countries such as India and China. Dr Wilson said, " the more pollution particles there are in the air, the smaller the water droplets will be." Dr Zhang, who is the leader for a research team, said they found the Pacific storms came from pollution clouds. Also, he said in the future they need to study more in the science community with global climate models.
There are indications that the Earth's temperature has been the rise steadily since 200 years ago. It is not worst weather, but some physical and biological indicators of environment have changed. Scientists expect that the Earth's temperature will increase more than ever during cent. Next year they expect that over the next hundred years it will become a more heated atmosphere on the Earth. and is not seen him rights seen before, because environmental regulations and certain forms of wildlife would lose the ability to adapt to changes. There are three problems that affect the Pacific Coast's life: air problems, ships risks, and nuclear experiences.

First, throughout history there are have been main source that pollute the atmospheres. The first reason is the natural causes that usually come from volcanoes. Volcanoes spread harmful gases into the natural air, which changes the weather. Next, the unnatural causes that are caused by human being, for example, burning forests, industrial plants, and transportation. All of these factors have affected negatively on the natural air by releasing gas in the some of carbon monoxide poison, and sulfur dioxide. Therefore, Pacific Coast's air has been polluted by volcanoes and industries.

Second, ship traffic is one of the biggest reasons for water pollution. Ships’ huge fans have two effects on water. They release small pieces of metals into water that pollute the ocean. In addition, the ship fans could kill many of the ocean's animals. Next, some ships that travel on seas transport oil and chemical materials. There are some leakages from these ships which would affect the ocean. For example, when the ocean's animals are affected by the pollution, they will die or get diseases. People who eat these animals will have health problems. So, ship’s transportation has a negative effect on the ecosystem in oceans.

Finally, nuclear energy or atomic energy is the energy released when atoms turn a door to another component atom. Radiation that comes from the nuclear plants causes genetic effects and birth defects. For example, nuclear radiation affects skin and hair color, and eyes. Also, it has negative effects on the new generation. The second problem from nuclear power is the leakages. The leakages in the ocean would kill the ocean's animals. Furthermore, the leakages in water also pollute the fresh water that people drink. Therefore, nuclear energy in the Pacific Ocean pollutes the ocean.

In conclusion, the pollution increases every day, and that affects our health and our environment. In addition, that affects the animals which live in the Pacific Ocean. Also, the ship traffic affects the ocean when they spread the chemical material. I hope do what we need to save our ocean and our environment to make good and healthy lives. We need to solve these problems to live in the future.

Jha, Alok (2007, March 6). Science: Asia smog fuelling Pacific
storms 'will melt Arctic ice': Scientists highlight threat from big rise in emissions: 'Severe pollution' blamed on rapid industrialization.
Guardian Newspapers, 12. Retrieved from LexisNexis on June8, 2007.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Air pollution

In this article "Air pollution in Asian cities spurs health worries" discusses how the Asian cities are affected by the pollution. This pollution makes health problems and affects the economy too. Some governments make good ways to help the people to breathe easily. A lot of people get sick from the air pollution which is around them. Also, the children who are under five are affected by breathing the air specially lung disease. The air pollution kills half a million people every year. These deaths occur especially in developing countries. They said this problem has good news, which is that people use vehicles, and bad news, which is that air pollution still, is at high levels. This problem will affect and kill people if the governments do not find an answer.

The Asian and American governments should control this problem before it gets bigger. The air pollution affects the people and causes a lot of disease like heart disease and lung cancer. There are two ways to solve this problem. The factories should be far away from the cities, and the governments should make rules for people and the factories.

First, the factories should be far away from the cities. When the factories are far away that will save the people's lives. For example, when the people near the factories breathe the bad air that will make disease for them. The factories make the chemical things which affect people's health and the air pollution. For example, when we make items like vehicles in a factory, we have to emit harmful gas. The emission from factories is easy to spread out to neighbors and the toxic gas floats in the atmosphere for a long time. Nowadays, transportation systems such as cars, trucks, trains, ships and airplanes, are more common in the world. These systems have been developed rapidly, and they make our life more convenient. We use them wherever we go, so we can’t live or survive in this mobile society without these systems. On the other hand, the transportation systems have a bad influence on our body and the air pollution. All of them emit abundant toxic gas from the factories. The factories should be far a way to save the people.

Second, the government should make laws for the factories and the people. When the governments greats the rules, that will save the people. For example, give the factories a fine when they build near the cities. The government can close the factory or make them more money for that. In addition, the rules for the people will help them to save their life. For example, the people must check their cars and examine themselves at least every six month. Also, the people who live near the highways will have worse health because they breathe bad air. The government should make fine, for the people who do not follow theses instructions. The people should know the rules and they must follow these instructions to save their life.

My opponents said that the government cannot control this problem. The governments can control this problem when they make the rules which I explained. The government can make advertisements about this problem and tell the people how the air pollution affect, them. For example, they can put it on TV, radio or the newspaper to remind them every time when they forget.

In conclusion, the air pollution affects us when we breathe it. The governments should find solution to this problem before it gets bigger. Many people and animals will die if we do not find the answer. Also, we need to help them to save our life too. We hope to follow the rules and the factories too, to make good and beautiful air.


Air pollution in Asian cities health worries. (2006). Voice of America News. Retrived June 1, 2007, from Lexis database.